
Our mission is to support the church among the unreached people groups so it becomes stronger, more relevant in its community and above all, more efficient in the process of evangelization.
To be at the side of the church among the unreached people group as a reliable partner that offers effective tools for the strengthening of the native church.
Valuing local knowledge
Protagonism of the native church
Participatory governance
Healthy relationships
Love for God, for His mission and for our neighbor.

Confession of Faith
We believe in the existence of one and eternal God, who is triune in person and one in essence.
We believe that the Bible is a historical book, true, complete and inspired by God Himself. It is the very word of God that has absolute authority for our conduct and faith.
We believe that the universe was created by God just as man was created according to the image and likeness of the Creator.
We believe that the fall in Adam is universal, making all men sinners.
We believe that the redemption of the guilt of all men lies only in Christ Jesus, who was our representative through his atoning death, triumphing over death and freeing all men who believe in Him from eternal death.
We believe that Jesus Christ, even though he was God, was born of a virgin woman, came in the form of a man still being God, died on the cross for the redemption of the sins of humanity, rose again overcoming death and is the only way to eternal life in God.
We believe in the universal church, which is the body of Christ, Himself being the head and the builder. Everyone who believes in Christ is a participant in His church.
We believe that God is the owner of His mission throughout history and that He allows and commands His church to participate in His mission, calling on man to take the gospel to all peoples.
We believe that Jesus Christ will return to establish his Kingdom definitively and fully.