Ethnic groups
Today in the world, 17,468 groups of peoples have been counted, which together comprise the entire world population. Of these, about 7419 people are not reached by the gospel of Christ. This means that more than 3 billion people have little or no access to the good news.
To evangelize each of these peoples it is essential to understand their culture, speak their language and contextualize the message of the cross so that it can be understood.
Currently, the most difficult part of the world to evangelize is the one located inside the famous 10x40 window .
The “Resistance Belt”, as it is also known, is a territorial extension that covers much of Africa, the Middle East and Asia. In this region are also the largest religious blocs in the world: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Animism and Atheism. In addition, the region is also marked by poverty and low quality of life in general.
To learn more about the evangelization challenge in this region click below and read our article on Unreached Peoples.
Em 2017, ataques armados por parte do governo de Myanmar, de grupos étnicos rivais e extremistas budistas, forçaram milhares de Rohingya a fugir das suas casas no estado de Rakhine, em Mianmar. A maioria dos Rohingyas procurou refúgio no país vizinho, Bangladesh, que tem recursos e terras limitados para acolher refugiados.
A organização Humans Rights Watch descreveu as ações das forças de segurança de Mianmar como uma tentativa de limpeza étnica.
Desde então quase 1 milhão de Rohingyas vivem em um campo de refugiados em Bangladesh, na cidade de Cox's Bazar, o maior campo de refugiados do mundo.

No maior campo de refugiados do mundo, as condições humanitárias são as piores: os campo está superlotado, os acampamentos são apertados e inadequados, saneamento limitado e acesso deficiente a água potável. Eles também não tem acesso a saúde, educação e emprego. Possuem severas restrições em relação sua circulação dentro e aos arredores do campo. Por falta de autoridades, grupos armados, como milícias disputam cada espaço do campo. Mulheres e crianças estão altamente vulneráveis devido a falta de proteção.
Focus on tribal people
We at Etnos have developed work among groups of peoples, or ethnic groups, that have at least one installed church.
Our aim is to support the flourishing of these small churches so that they are recognized by the local community as true embassies of the Kingdom of God. The instrument we use in this support process is our community development program .
This program aims to offer practical tools to these small churches, so that they are increasingly able to signal the love of Christ. Thus, evangelism becomes the natural result of deepening relationships, an organic and love-based process.
We believe that strengthening native Christians among unreached peoples is an effective strategy, as they do not need to adapt to translate the gospel. They already master the language and worldview of their people.

Our Goal
Our target as an organization is to have projects started among 90 Unreached Peoples by the end of 2022, and start Christian movements in 630 peoples by the end of 2030.
In other words, only from Etnos will we be able to objectively support the flourishing of native Christian movements in almost 10% of the Unreached Peoples within the 10x40 Window.
We are currently present in 10 ethnic groups and only through a partnership signed with the Baptist Convention of Myanmar, we have the opportunity to start our program from another 17 ethnic groups within the country.